
Crystaldiskinfo says ssd has tens of thousands
Crystaldiskinfo says ssd has tens of thousands

crystaldiskinfo says ssd has tens of thousands crystaldiskinfo says ssd has tens of thousands

I don't have the steps in my head for Win8 anymore, but type Backup when you're in the Start pane, and it should show up. You'll need an external hard drive (of at least 500GB) and use the backup built into Windows to back up all of the drive. This is not me scaring you, but warning you that a disk failure will happen. Get a backup of everything as soon as possible. If it says something is wrong, something is wrong and proceed forth. Get the standard edition of CrystalDiskInfo here and use it as a second opinion. posted by sardonyx to Computers & Internet (13 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favoriteįirst thing is first, does it say anywhere whether it's a read or a write head issue? Read heads are going to be more important to reading the data already on the drive and backing it up. If it matters, I have a 500GB hard drive on a Win 8.1 system being powered by an i7-4900MQ 2.8GHz. Is this inevitable? Can I do something to prevent it? What steps or measures should I take? If it means anything, the computer feels warmer than normal in the spot where I know the hard disk is located (below the keyboard to the left of the trackpad, where the palm of my hand and wrist are when my fingers are on the home position on the keyboard).įrom what I can tell on the Internet, it sounds like a disk failure is in my future. Since then, the scan has run regularly with all green passes. I stopped the download, ran the system again and got a perfect green pass. A couple months back I got a warning on the Smart Short Self Test, but I thought it might be a fluke because the system check came on while the computer was in the midst of doing some heaving downloading. This is the first time I got a yellow on the Smart Drive Self Test.

Crystaldiskinfo says ssd has tens of thousands