
Best font for terminal linux
Best font for terminal linux

A good clear font will help to reduce eye strain and make fewer mistakes when both typing and reading a configuration back from the screen. The way that terminal displays text on your screen can make a big difference to how effective you are. Sure, he was talking about hammers, chisels, soldering irons and pinch nose pliers but I think that the same holds true for the tools of our trade, of which one is terminal programs.

best font for terminal linux best font for terminal linux

I remember my father telling me once that if you look after your tools, they will look after you. Show me the engineers console, and I can judge the man This is one area of CLI Mastery that few people ever take time to investigate, but the choice of FONT that you use in your console window tells me a lot about you the person and you, the engineer.

Best font for terminal linux